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Why a Winter Fundraiser?



The Spring Grove Fireworks committee works hard all year to give Spring Grove and it's surrounding communities one of the most impressive Fireworks shows in Northern Illinois.  Our Winter Fundraiser, along with donations from local families and business helps to fund the cost of the fireworks.  We spend between $20,000 - $25,000 per year on Fireworks.  Any additional money raised is given back to the community.  The gazebo in Horse Fair Park, Spring Grove Police Department Command Center and appliances inside the Horse Fair pavillion are examples of this. 


Watch the Spring Grove Village newsletter, our Facebook page and our website for announcements about upcoming events.


We are always looking for volunteers!  Would you like to help out the 4th of July Festivities but don't want to be committed on the day of?  This is where you could help out!

Please email us at if you are interested in becoming part of a wonderful group of dedicated volunteers.







Information coming soon!






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